Monday, July 20, 2015

Revolutionized Coffee Break

Good morning!! The past couple of weeks I've been at home for one of my many PA school rotations. I'm having a blast being wth family, but the >40 minute drive daily has been wearing on me! Even with XM radio, I've already torn through my typical "go to" podcasts. As a result, I recently reached out on Facebook asking friends to recommend podcasts they like to listen to in their spare time! Man, did I find an absolute gem! One of my friends responded and recommended Coffee Break French, but told me that they also have different languages...including Spanish! This morning (before the drive), I downloaded my first lessons (there are 100s of free episodes) and listened to them on the way to work! I'm hooked!!  This is such a basic, conversational way to learn a language and each lesson is <20 minutes! In the 60 minutes it took me to get to work this AM, we covered a basic introduction and greeting. Although I'm "somewhat fluent" in medical Spanish, I certainly lack the ability to make "small talk." Hopefully, this will soon change! 

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